It's OK to have too much fun!!

These are some of the fun pics I have been taking..these are of the vintage trailers of the "Sisters on the Fly Girls" we visited at the Farm Chicks, each one different and unique, set on the edge of the peaceful and FUN!! I'm not a camper at all.. oh my...but I might have a change of heart one day..
With us that day was Tiffany of she is an amazing photographer and what a fun site she has..
Dear Cindy,
Of course the Clay Queen, Miss Angel Heart, must have a royal carriage for traveling far and wide to perform her queenly duties, lol. How are you? Haven't visited in a while. Still in love with my Fairy Tale Buttons. If only I had more time to use them and give them the recognition they deserve.
Hope this finds you well my friend,
Theresa @ Cottage Violets
I would love to stay in one of these, they look so cosy and pretty, thank you for sharing
I've always wanted a vintage trailer. These are totally awesome!
GREAT pics!! I want a trailer!! I love all the pillows -- gives me a perfect idea for the twin bed that's in my office!!!
What a cute trailer! I'm definitely not a camper but that looks like it has all the comforts of home. sounds like it was a fun time, glad you got to go and enjoy.
Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings
Hi Cindy! I love seeing Girls on the Fly. Those vintage trailers are 2die4!
The Polka Dot Rose
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