It's hailing and snowing...and it's April 19th...Mother nature,,,, please be nicer...LOL...I can't garden it's too cold, I need to plant my 200 ish..dahlias, work in my outdoor studio...What's a girl to do? What are you doing out there...when the whether isn't kind???
Here's a picture of my front yard, cherry trees blooming, and snow???
I'm with ya sister! It snowed twice today already, it looked just like that stuff in the bean bag chairs!!!!!!!! Today, because it is tooo cold to be outside, I am blogging, cleaning, taking pictures of pink stuff for a future post, and working in my pink craft room! "Bless oh Lord with warmer weather!" There, that is my prayer for this week...XXOO, Donna Lynn
Hi Cindy!
You poor thing! I wish I could send you our Florida sunshine in the mail! lol I hope Mother Nature is listening! Love the picture and even though there is snow the trees look great. Hang in there pink sis it will soon be sunny and warm again.
Janet's Creative Pillows
I have a very small cup and saucer that has a sweet little flower design. On the bottom of the saucer is scratched Donna Lynn Ceramics. It was probably purchased in the 1950's. Could this be a piece of your work? Thank you, Caroline
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