Its been a very busy couple of weeks, I hope everyone had a nice 4th of July!
I saved the lives of some baby robins, the nest fell to the ground and I rescued it, stuck it in a birdfeeder with chains so it wouldn't fall out again.. they'll fly away any's been so neat watching them grow and the mom coming back and finding the nest that fell..I've been recording it daily...
thanks to Karen at did the same thing a bit ago...and posted what to do! Thank you Karen!
I've been teaching Ceramics and had a fun Birthday party and here's some pics of them feeding the goats...they had fun!

It was Kensies party (she's in pink)and there's her mom very good friend!!

Cindy, What a great post. I'm so glad you were able to save the baby robins! I have always loved birds...and was thankful to be able to save one little hummingbird.
Your birthday party looks like it was a big hit!
Pink hugs, Karen
you have sure been busy, cindy!!! i am a bird lover too. how nice that you were able to rescue that nest and enjoy watching the babies grow! ...and the birthday party...looks like a load of fun!
Hi Cindy,
Love the pics of the Robins. Glad the Mom found them. What cute girls. I know that they had a great time. Can't wait to see your new project.
Love the pictures of your birds, you have taken on the role of guardian angel!
The birthday party sounds like fun, ceramics and feeding the critters--I'm sure Kensie will remember this birthday for a long time.
How wonderful to be able to watch the robins grow and that you were able to make it happen.
Looks like the party was a lot of fun too.
Hi Cindy,, I love your post. I am SO happy the babies are doing well and will fly away happy birds, thanks to you! I hope they stay in your beautiful yard. YOur party looks like so much fun. I love your goats! AND the teapot with the bird lid is so awesome...So Cute. (()) luv, gail
What sweet children and baby birds!
Hi Cindy!!
I just looove your Show and Tell! I'm so happy you saved those beautiful birdies! Poor babies. I love birds. I just saw a Blue Jay on top of my patio door this morning and it was beautiful to see. And I love the picture of the birthday party! How cute!
Have a great day!!
Janet's Creative Pillows
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