Monday's are Make Mine Pinks..show and tells, and I'm taking a "Clay Break" for a little while.....so this is my latest exciting thing...and by golly it's time...:)
My baby is coming home...and I'm so excited...he's actually my oldest child..he's been in South of France and Spain this summer..
But darn it..just for a friends wedding then he's off again...such a traveler.. this time maybe to New Zealand, to work ... then hopefully soon we'll all be off to start our business in South of France..maybe 1 year from now! Please please wouldn't that be fun...fingers crossed!
Also..most of you know I LIVED IN GREECE..on an island for 3 years...many many moons ago...well..I just saw the movie MAMA MIA...it's GREAT!!!! A Must see!!!!!
Looks just the island where I lived on Paros! Meryl Streep had 3 hotties that summer in the movie, I'll never kiss n tell.. LOL
Greece sure is a fun time in summer when your young...a VERY funny movie to watch if you want some beautiful Greek pics..is "Shirley Valentine" a hoot!
What a handsome fella...I am so happy for you ! I don't think our younguns should be allowed to stay gone for very long :)
It seems a little incongruous to call that strapping young man a baby, lol. But you see him through a mother's eyes. I can't wait to see what you do with the word buttons. Next Monday is "FTB" Day on my blog and site (fairy tale buttons,lol) I hope I do your buttons justice.
Big Button Hugs,
Theresa @ Cottage Violets
Hi Cindy! Wow...I can't believe you have a son who is an adult? How did that happen?? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take me to the south of France with you. I promise to help you in the studio. My hubby and I tease each other about moving to France all the time since we saw the video by Michael Moore, Sicko. France has a wonderful health care system that is FREE and they get 5 weeks of vacation over there too. I don't even remember what a VACATION is! LOL....Enjoyed your post. Have a wonderful weekend! ~ xoxo Joy
Have fun with your Son, even if it's only for a short while.
I'll be keeping my fingers (and toes) crossed for your new business venture taking you to France next year!
Wow,, you have a nice looking son there. lol I am so happy he will be coming home for a visit. Enjoy every minute!!! How exciting for you to go back to the south of france. I have my fingers crossed, BUT only if I can come and visit..lol many hugs, gail
What a handsome man your son is. Hope you have a great visit.
Now, about this France thing-----how about a personal assistant??
Your son is sure a fine looking young man. I know you are pretty proud of him. I would love to be able to travel like that.
Love your buttons!
Happy you are going to see your son!AWE! come on kiss and tell a little!
How exciting to have your boy home for a visit...and to be looking forward to being in business together in FRANCE! Wow! Too cool!
Forget Me Not Dreams
Hi Cindy! You cannot possibly be the Momma to that handsome dude! You are tooooo young! Enjoy your visit with him before the wanderlust takes over. South of France? Do tell more! I saw Mama Mia on Broadway, fabulous and Shirley Valentine is one of my all time favorite chick flicks! Especially the part about her stretchmarks! Thanks for taking me on another wonderful mental trip to Greece.
Susie ~ The Polka Dot Rose
Hi Cindy!!
Oh my what a handsome son you have! I'm so happy he stopped by for a visit. They grow up so fast don't they? ;-( Hope you have a fantastic week ahead pinkie!;-D
Janet's Creative Pillows
Hey, speaking of hotties...I just checked out your baby!!! whoa!
Your blogs are darling, love them. When I look at you cindy, you just remind me of a very eclectic fun person. So it doesnt suprise me of the adventurous travel you have in store...just keep us up on it all okay!
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