I'm glazing new ceramics like a mad woman, hopefully to post them any day... and trying to exercise...those post holiday you know whats, but I like it my way!!! I'M HAVING A CONTEST! LEAVE A FUNNY POST...how you melt those holiday unwanteds....and you'll be entered to win...my new plaque!!! Contest ends February 1st!
enter me in! I would love to win something from you ! all your items are just pretty!
Hi Cindy,
Try the stomach flu. It's easy to get, just hang out at a park or school or anywhere there are kids. The next time one of mine get it, I'll send them your way.
Oh my gosh Cindy! I have sat here 10 minutes in the freezing cold of my basement, trying to think of something funny to post. Most of the time I'm a hoot, but AHHHHH ... the pressure! I can't bring the funny! Ok, I'll bring some funny around tomorrow. Something funny always happens around here in the mornings. See ya then! XOXO Dianne
Dearest Cindy, I hope you aren't planning on even trying to compete in MMP's tiara award.... You know how hot that kiln gets don't you? The heat is on, my pretty!!!!!
The wicked witch of the East.
Cindy, your blog looks fantastic! I wish I did have something funny to say about dieting, but that is nothing to laugh at. I hate giving up brownies. Arrrg!
Enter me in your contest please.
Hugs~ Michele
A funny comment about how I lose weight? I don't go to the grocery store! I haven't been grocery shopping since before Christmas. If there is no food in the house, I can't eat. So far, that seems to be the only thing that works for me...an empty refrigerator. :)
I love your blog Cindy. It's so pretty. I can't get mine to look like this but I will.....someday!
Hi Cindy:
You asked us to leave a funny comment about how we lose weight. Well, I just don't go to the grocery store. I haven't been since before Christmas! I figure if the fridge is empty, so is my mouth!
I love the look of your blog, Cindy. It is just so sweet and pretty. I wish I could get mine to look like this. I will....someday!
Hi Cindy,
Love your new creations and those ceramic roses are beautiful!!I don't usually have "holiday unwanteds" (don't hate me LOL!!, just my body type), so nothing funny is coming to me!! Can I still pretty please be entered in contest??
Something funny? I don't see anything funny about me jogging in the freezing dark morning with my 15 year-old daughter. I'm bundled up in navy sweat pants, grey turtleneck shirt, hooded sweatshirt in red, black and white, green knit hat (under hood) and a blue and white striped scarf wrapped around my heck (over hood). My daughter stays about 20 paces ahead. I wonder why? LOL
Love your new blog look!
Pink hugs, Karen
This is the first year I haven't had any extra unwanteds just my usual unwanteds which seem to stay with me through thick and thin, oops I mean thicker, through thick and thicker. This year I gave all the yummies one day in the house at the end of the day it all went in the trash. The hubby couldn't figure out where it was going...lol. Day after Christmas everything with sugar got dumped.So I actually dropped a few through and sense the holidays. Hubby is still asking where did it go?. I told him the sugar fairy came by and took it all back!
Hi Cindy,
The ONLY thing that works for me to get rid of the extra unwanteds is my garbage disposal.....I stand over it, dumping all the naughty foods that deposit on my hips and stuff them down. Okay, some go down the sink and some down my throat....we share!
Your blog is so fun to read and I love all your pretty pottery, etc.!!
Grandma G's
HI Cindy,
This is the first time I have visted your blog. You have been such an incredible sponsor to our site GetTheCrown.com....I see your beautiful spirit in all your creations.
Now for the funny....
The other night during dinner I was informing my husband that a friend o f mine would be going to the Eiffel Tower in April...when my 4 1/2 year daughter piped in... "I want to go to the APPLE Tower too!"
Ceramic roses are red.
Ceramic roses are blue.
I sure would like to win that
pretty plaque from you!!
Wanted to stop by and say Hi!!
Hi, I've wandered into your clay flower garden...I looove roses...
Loved your funny tummy joke..so if I laugh hard enough will I lose weight?!!!.>>yes!!!!
Where can I buy your vie en rose plaque?...will you be doing more?...
What flower does evryone wear on their face?....
Hi Cindy,
Thanks for dopping by my blog! I love your blog and your photos are a great inspiration tool for me. In fact I plan to make a miniature set based on 1 of your photos! :)
Pei Li
Hi Cindy,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your blog, photos! In fact, one of your pictures here inspired me to make it into a Miniature set! I will work on it!
Pei Li
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