Well, It's been about 2 months since "Farm Chicks". I can't believe how fast time FLies!! I went with the "
Come Junk With Us" gals...I had SO much fun, I took so many pictures, then my camera decided to be a little strange....so today, finally I was able to save most of them...
Our last night at Farm Chicks we were at Chaps restaurant..a lot of fun, and SO tired..

My friend Ginny and I wore these cute outfits, by Timi from "Come Junk With Us"

It was so much fun to met Karen and Eileen from
forgetmenotdreams I loved their cute oufits....We have known each other for years from Make Mine Pink a network we belong too! I bought an adorable pink wicker shelf from their shop!

Before the crowds came, I was able to get a pick of this vintage truck!!

This was a cake...all tin!

This was just as they started to arrive...yikes!

A 4 hour ride east of Seattle, not much on the road....:)