A new year, new ideas, fresh like the fallen snow~ My show and tell this week is about my most recent trip to LA.. then driving back home to this..SNOW!!!!! even one of my goats, seen in picture wonder why I left sunny Los Angeles, but you gotta do, what you gotta do, and my home is in the Northwest...
yadda yadda, anyway, I did have a nice time, one of the highlights was meeting Debra of Lilli's Blue
http://www.lillibluescloset.blogspot.com/. She was my Secret Sister for this winter. She invited me to her lovely cottage right in the heart of Beverly Hills where I was staying with friends. We drank tea and ate cookies, and talked about everything fun, in our businesses, we shared new ideas for the new year, I wished I could have stayed longer~her place was magical, peaceful, and very comfortable...Visit her blog for some lovely reading..
I had to show this too...it's so cute..as I was having lunch at my favorite little cafe Clementine's just across from Century City, I was telling some friends I missed my "pink" world and couldn't wait to return home to create more pink art!!! Well...I looked up and saw this Restaurant
"Pink Taco" and just about flipped!! My PINK angels were around..my trip inspired me so upon my return I came home and started making Pink cupcake clocks...How sweet it is~~~